Activities > Work packages
Work package 1: Mapping Latin American Mobility: Features, management, funding
DEV 1.1 Mapping of current South American 'intra-regional' mobility
DEV 1.2 Roundtable: From mapping to a South American mobility Handbook
DEV 1.3 Road map for the South American mobility Handbook
Work package 2: Developing the South American Mobility Model and Handbook
DEV 2.1 Focus group 1: Governance and management of mobility programmes
DEV 2.3 Focus Group 3: Support services and general mobility quality tools
Work package 3: EU-South America mobility management practice sharing
DEV 3.1 Study Visit 1: Governance of mobility programmes
DEV 3.2 Study Visit 2: Strategising mobility, partnerships and joint degrees
DEV 3.3 Study Visit 3: Support services and mobility quality tools
Work package 4: Drafting the South American Mobility Handbook
DEV 4.1 Meeting of Handbook Drafting Team
DEV 4.2 Partnership meeting to endorse Handbook
DEV 4.3 Draft Publication of CAMINOS Mobility Handbook
Work package 5: Quality Plan - Project Quality Control
DEV 5.1 Project Quality Indicators
DEV 5.3 Advisory Board
DEV 5.4 Project Management Team Meetings
Work package 6: Dissemination and Exploitation - Piloting the CAMINOS Handbook for LA Mobility
DEV 6.1 Piloting the CAMINOS Handbook in SA universities -> Bogotá
DEV 6.1 Piloting the CAMINOS Handbook in SA universities -> Buenos Aires
DEV 6.1 Piloting the CAMINOS Handbook in SA universities -> Belem
DEV 6.3 Monitoring scorecard for pilot projects
DEV 6.4 Practice Sharing Portal for pilot projects
DEV 6.5 Partnership meeting for mid-term pilot review
DEV 6.6 Outcome reports: Evaluating the CAMINOS Handbook
DEV 6.7 Enhancing infrastructure for Mobility Management in SA universities
DEV 6.8 Publication of CAMINOS Mobility Handbook
Work package 7: Dissemination and Exploitation - Disseminating the CAMINOS Handbook
DEV 7.1 CAMINOS website
DEV 7.2 CAMINOS dissemination conference
DEV 7.3 National dissemination events
DEV 7.4 CAMINOS promotion material
Work package 8: Management
DEV 8.2 Steering Committee
DEV 8.3 Project Management Team
DEV 8.4 Project Management Guidelines
DEV 8.5 Production of Intermediate and Final Reports