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The Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), together with the Secretary of University Policy of the Argentine Republic (SPU), the National University Council of Argentina (CIN) and the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) have hosted and organised a week of discussions (9-12 September, 2019) entitled “CAMINO A FIESA 2020”. Involving the university community in Argentina, Latin America as well as strategic European partners, CAMINO a FIESA 2020 ass dedicated to debating and planning the thematic agenda of the FIESA international higher education fair that will take place in Mar del Plata in 2020.

The CAMINOS project has decided to organize its final dissemination event in the framework of the “CAMINO A FIESA 2020” and to extend an invitation to other projects of a similar nature in Latin America. It is considered a unique opportunity to gather E+ projects with similar goals in the field of international cooperation and, together,  contribute to the agenda of the FIESA 2020.

The CAMINOS project promoted the notion that the only way to generate sustainable results and guarantee adequate impact of E+ projects, both at the institutional and the policy level, was to generate synergies, share experiences and results and join forces where possible. Hence, the CAMINOS project supported the organizers of the CAMINOS a FIESA 2020 by integrating its final event into the programme, and inviting all Erasmus+ coordinators that wish to participate in the discussions.

The CAMINO a FIESA 2020 has offered the unique chance to all actors in Argentina, Latin America and Europe that have been collaborating in the framework of different international projects to  share experiences and also contribute to the preparation of the FIESA 2020 conference. 

The objectives of the CAMINO a FIESA 2020, in which the CAMINOS project embedded it’s final event, were:


To promote the results of/plans for all Erasmus+ projects that are currently dealing with issues related to internationalization, such as recognition of studies, management of international offices and student services, internationalization of the curricula, internationalization of research, recognition, internationalization of research etc.

To discuss synergies between such projects, other international initiatives and how their results can be put to common use in the region and in building bridges between Europe and Latin America

To discuss the sustainability of the E+ projects results and possible contributions to the future of the E+ programme

To discuss the development of the Latin American Higher Education Space (ENLACES)/cooperation in the EU-Latin America policy framework.

To promote the outcomes of the CAMINOS project and its implications for both the university management of mobility and the cooperation between Latin American universities and associations when it comes to internationalizing the HE sector

To discuss contributions of E+ projects to the FIESA conference 2020.

To discuss how FIESA can promote and utilize E+ projects.

To contribute to the programme design of the FIESA conference

Documents & Presentations

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